Well this is incredibly weird. I'm sending this email through my new smart phone and during the course of this sentence I have made about 20 spelling errors. How the heck did I use one of these before? Anyway so yeah the big change this week was that me and Elder Lee got our smartphones and set them all up with churchy dakine. As of now we do not have the SIM cards so they are just fancy scriptures but we will gradually have more capability as time goes on.
Holy cow this is taking me a long time to type. Ugh.
Anyway we had our ward Christmas party this week which was legit, but earlier than that we helped the Elders Quorum (all 3 of them) cook a pig in the Imu. It was cool to see the whole process of how it worked and while we were waiting for it to cook, O (the EQ pres) whipped out a guitar and started playing some hymns and we started singing along. It was really peaceful on this farm and there were a couple families there and the spirit was just so strong. Hard to explain but I can testify that Hymns have a special way of bringing the spirit.
Oh yeah also the most intense blessing of my life happened, one of our members casually grabbed us at the party and asked calmly if we could give his wife a blessing. We assumed she just felt sick or something so we went to the car and grabbed our oil, went back in and met with her. Turns out shes deathly allergic the walnuts and had accidentally eaten one thinking it was a macadamia nut. Me and Elder Lee started panicking internally but we gave her a blessing and she started to calm down. But just to be safe her husband pulled an epi pen out of no where and stabbed her in the leg with it. It was pretty intense. She ended up staying at the party so it all turned out OK. God is good and so is his priesthood.
Speaking of Elder Lee, he and I literally have the same taste in all movies/tv/comics. So yeah we have plenty to talk about. He is awesome.
Our investigator Koen came to the party and had a good time. We are meeting with him again this week and I am looking forward to that.
That's about all I have to report today, pray that I can figure out how to use this newfangled technology and I hope you all find someone to serve this Christmas season.
Mele Kalikimaka!
-Elder Smith
1. Our gecko. We shelter him from the birds, he keeps the bugs down.
2. Elder Lee rollin' in mail (we finally found our mail key)
3. Hawaiian Santa
4. How does one selfie